Wind warnings for land and sea
The following warnings are given for sea areas: strong wind advisories, warnings for near gale-force/gale-force wind, storm warnings and hurricane warnings. Warnings about strong winds are given for land areas. Warnings on thunderstorm gusts are not in wind warnings. They are given in severe thunderstorm warning.
Wind warnings for sea areas use the wind speed average for 10 minutes. For land areas information is given by wind gusts. In wind warnings are used yellow, orange and red colour awareness level.

Wind warning for sea areas
hurricane warning: 10-minute average wind speed over 32 m/s, red
storm warning: 10-minute average wind speed 21–32 m/s, orange
warning for near gale-force/gale-force wind: 10-minute average wind speed 14–20 m/s, yellow
strong wind advisory: 10-minute average wind speed 11–13 m/s or strong gusts (only during the summer season from 1 May to 31 October), yellow
Wind warnings are issued for the next 5 days at the maximum. In warnings for periods longer than 24 hours, the warning for strong wind is only used in summer. An advisory for sea areas is issued for the next 24 hours at the maximum.
Wind warning for land areas
during the winter period (1.11. - 30.4.) and in warnings issued for periods of more than 24 hours: 20 (yellow), 25 (orange) and 30 m/s (red)
during the summer period 1.5. - 31.10.: 15 (yellow), 20 (orange) and 25 m/s (red).
Read more about severe thunderstorm warnings with thunderstorm gusts.
Regional distribution of weather forecasts for sea and land.