Information about UV radiation provided in summer

Warnings are accompanied by information on strong ultraviolet radiation when the ultraviolet index (UVI) is at least 6. This level is reached in Southern and Central Finland a couple of times a summer, both before and after Midsummer.

UV advisory in indicated with yellow colour in the warnings map.

UV index values vary in Finland over a wide range, depending on the season.

Sun is shining. People on the hill top, beach and in water are affected by UV radiation in varied ways.
The amount of ultraviolet (UV) radiation is affected by factors such as the sun's angle of elevation, cloud cover, and how high above sea level you are. For example, UV radiation is stronger in mountainous areas than at sea level.

Besides information bulletins, the FMI maintains a UVI service that gives advice on when and where people should protect themselves against the sun. UV index values vary in Finland over a wide range, depending on the season.

In addition, Finnish UVI observations are available from the Institute's measurement stations in Utö, Helsinki, Jokioinen, Jyväskylä, Kuopio, Sotkamo and Sodankylä.

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