Accessibility of the Finnish Meteorological Institute´s online service

This accessibility statement explains how well the Finnish Meteorological Institute online service complies with the Act on the Provision of Digital Services, what shortcomings there are in the accessibility of the website and how you can give us feedback on accessibility problems.

The Finnish Meteorological Institute is responsible for this online service. We want as many users as possible to be able to access our digital services. We take accessibility into account in the development of digital services.

How accessible is the website?

This online service largely meets the A and AA level accessibility criteria required by law (WCAG criteria 2.1). The online service has some shortcomings in accessibility, which are described in more detail below.

Did you notice any gaps in accessibility?

We are constantly striving to improve the accessibility of the online service. If you observe any issues that are not described on this page, please let us know and we will do our best to fix any shortcomings. We will respond to requests and comments as soon as possible, but no later than within two weeks. You can contact us by sending an email to

Accessibility monitoring

Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom monitors the implementation of accessibility requirements. If you are not satisfied with the response you have received or you do not receive a response at all within two weeks, you can give feedback to Traficom. The website provides detailed information on how to file a complaint and how the matter will be processed. Digital Accessibility Supervision Unit telephone switchboard 029 534 5000

More detailed information about technical accessibility

Not all of the online service is currently accessible. The accessibility of the online service is improved through continuous development work and work to correct issues. In order to provide an overview, the online service displays visualisations, tables and animations based on extremely extensive statistical data warehouses. The technology used to produce these warehouses is partly based on third-party external software libraries, whose accessibility properties are outside of the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s scope of influence. The Finnish Meteorological Institute strives to make content accessible to all by choosing technologies that allow for maximum accessibility, where possible. The Finnish Meteorological Institute aims to offer an accessible version of data where it is not possible to provide accessible versions of the aforementioned visualisations. The inadequate content listed below is mostly accessible but the observed shortcomings apply to a certain user group and / or assistive technology, where appropriate.

Content and functionalities in which accessibility issues have been found

  • Not all of the website content or functionalities can be controlled through a keyboard interface. For example, the text-format warnings on the “Warnings page” are inconsistently readable using screen reader software (WCAG 2.1.1, 4.1.2)

  • The text alternative for some graphics is inaccurate or missing (WCAG 1.1.1)

  • The website contains moving, blinking or scrolling information for which there is no mechanism available for the user to pause, stop, or hide the information, or the operation is difficult to carry out (WCAG 2.2.2.)

  • The name, role or state of some interface components is not clearly determined for assistive technologies (WCAG 4.1.2)

  • The headings and labels for individual pages and the markup language used does not fully meet specifications (WCAG 1.3.1, 2.4.6, 4.1.1)

  • The size of the online service’s text does not comply with the user’s browser settings or cannot be resized without loss of content or functionality (WCAG 1.4.4)

  • Some of the online service’s links move the user to an external website or download an attachment file without notifying the user (WCAG 3.2.4)

  • Not all of the user interface’s components can be programmatically determined. Some components do not have a description of the component for assistive technology. Assistive technology is not always notified of dynamically updating content. (WCAG 1.3.1, 4.1.2)

  • Some information or user interface components are no longer visible when the high-contrast mode is activated in the operating system’s ease of access settings (WCAG 1.4.1, 2.4.7)

  • Content is presented in a format that relies on sensory characteristics, thereby making it difficult for users relying on assistive technology to access the content. For example, the temperature graph in the Climate section contains components that can be examined one at a time using a keyboard, but the content of the graph is not provided in an understandable format for screen reader users. (WCAG 1.3.2, 1.3.3, 3.2.4)

  • In places, the online service contains English-language content without appropriate markup for the language (WCAG 3.1.1, 3.1.2)

  • The maximum possible contrast of each character in the text against its background does not meet the minimum contrast requirements. (WCAG AA 1.4.3)

  • The visible name of some elements does not match the accessible name. (WCAG A 2.5.3)

PDF files

The website contains PDF files published or linked by the Finnish Meteorological Institute after 23 September 2018 with shortcomings in accessibility. PDF files may be e.g., research publications by the Finnish Meteorological Institute. Examples of possible shortcomings:

  • The files may contain visual elements and charts without text equivalents. (WCAG 1.1.1)

  • The files may contain formatting errors, such as blank line breaks and headings that are not marked with a heading formatting. (WCAG 1.3.1)

  • Table structures in the files may contain deficiencies. (WCAG 1.3.1)

  • The file metadata such as file titles or language settings may be lacking. (WCAG 4.1.2, 3.1.2)

The Finnish Meteorological Institute provides instructions and training for publishers on producing accessible PDF files.

Accessibility requirements do not apply to certain types of content

The online service provides weather data based on maps. The law states that maps and map services do not need to meet accessibility requirements.

The online service provides videos which do not meet accessibility requirements with regard to subtitling and audio description. According to the law, video content published prior to 23.9.2020 does not need to be made accessible retroactively or be deleted from the website.

How have we tested accessibility?

The observations in this accessibility statement are based on a third-party assessment of whether the online service meets legal requirements. The online service was published on 2 June 2020. This statement was prepared on 21 September 2020. The statement was last updated on 16 September 2024. Act on the Provision of Digital Services (306/2019) (in Finnish and Swedish) Accessibility Requirements website (in Finnish and Swedish)