Weather Records in Finland
Weather records in Finland are based on data from the observation station network maintained by the Finnish Meteorological Institute.

Highest daily maximum temperature: 37,2 °C Liperi Joensuun lentoasema 29.7.2010
Lowest daily minimum temperature: -51,5 °C Kittilä, Pokka 28.1.1999
Highest monthly average temperature: 23,0 °C Puumala kirkonkylä, heinäkuu 2010
Lowest monthly average temperature: -29,7 °C Kuusamo, tammikuu 1985
Highest 24-hour rainfall total (09-09 UTC): 198,4 mm Espoo, Lahnus 21.7.1944
Highest monthly rainfall total: 301,9 mm Laukaa, heinäkuu 1934
Highest yearly rainfall total: 1242,2 mm Puolanka, Paljakka 2015
Highest snow depth: 190 cm Enontekiö, Kilpisjärvi 19.4.1997
Other parameters:
Highest air pressure: 1066 hPa Helsinki 22.1.1907
Lowest air pressure: 940,0 hPa Rauma, Kuuskajaskari 27.2.1990
Highest average wind speed: 33,5 m/s Rauma, Kylmäpihlaja 1.11.2024
Highest seawater level: +201 cm (MW) Kemi, Ajos 22.9.1982
Lowest seawater level: -161 cm (MW) Kemi, Ajos 21.11.2024