Utö Atmospheric and Marine Research Station

Utö Atmospheric and Marine Research Station on Utö Island.

Utö marine research station in storm.
Utö Marine Research Station. Photo: Lauri Laakso

The Utö Atmospheric and Marine Research Station of Finnish Meteorological Institute is located on Utö Island (59º 46'50N, 21º 22'23E) at the outer edge of the Archipelago Sea. The Finnish Meteorological Institute started meteorological observations on the island in 1881, marine observations in 1900 and atmospheric trace gas and aerosol measurements in 1980. Observations at Utö are supported by VOS Silja Serenade operating between Helsinki, Mariehamn and Stockholm.

Utö Atmospheric and Marine Research Station is part of the HELCOM marine monitoring network, European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme EMEP, Integrated Carbon Observing System ICOS, The Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure ACTRIS and Coastal research insfrastructure network Jerico-RI.

Selected real-time observations from the station available here. Please also see the links on the page Observations.