National Satellite Data Centre (NSDC)
National Satellite Data Centre (NSDC) focuses on fast delivery of various remote sensing products. NSDC provides free and open data for national and international partners and customers. The expertise of operating delicate technical systems and scientific instrumentation in the harsh Nordic environment is paramount and has been signatory for FMI over 100 years.

Sodankylä location (67°22 N, 26°39 E) north of the Arctic Circle is excellent for receiving data from all polar orbiting spacecrafts.
Sodankylä Arctic Space Centre FMI-ARC premises provide ideal facilities for versatile observations of arctic low temperature conditions.
NSDC hosts Copernicus Sentinel Collaborative Ground Station for Sentinel satellite data distribution and archiving, cloud services through public private-partnership arrangements, and maintaining external processing chains in virtual environments.
The Sodankylä site has an extensive in-situ and ground-based remote sensing instrumentation enabling reliable satellite calibration and validation activities as well as related scientific research and technological development.