Climate knowledge for resilient transport and logistics in the Baltic Region (IBA-CRISTAL)

The project produces detailed and tailored information on changes in transport conditions and potential risks in a changing climate. This information will help transport system actors in the Baltic Sea region to better adapt to and prepare for the future impacts of climate change.

A cargo ship, two trucks and cargo containers in the port. In the background, the setting sun and clouds. A photo.
The changing weather conditions due to climate change will impact land and maritime transport. Image: AdobeStock.

Project objectives

The project aims to

  1. improve the operational security and crisis resilience of the transport network in the Baltic Sea region

  2. increase the understanding of the transport system actors in the Baltic Sea region about the impacts and risks of climate change on transport conditions and infrastructure

  3. develop the capacity of the transport system actors to manage climate risks.

Project description

Based on the needs of logistics and transport system actors, the project produces detailed and tailored information on changes in transport conditions and potential risks in a changing climate. In particular, the project

  1. produces weather- and climate-related indicators that can be easily used by transport system actors in their efforts to prepare for and adapt to climate change

  2. increases understanding of the strengths and limitations of different climate databases in defining indicators about changes in weather events

  3. produces a compact information package about the impacts of climate change on transport in the Baltic Sea region.

Dialogue with transport system stakeholders is used to tailor the information produced. Project information

Related projects

  • ReMuNet – Resilient Multimodal freight Transport Network (Horizon Europe)

  • CLAIMS – From climate change to attribution of extremes and their impacts in Finland and northern Europe (Research Council of Finland)

  • OCEANIDS – User-driven applications and tools for Climate-Informed Maritime Spatial Planning and integrated seascape management, towards resilient & inclusive Blue Economy (Horizon Europe)