CV Yrjö Viisanen

Fields of expertise
Research Director of the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), 2004-2017
Research Professor of FMI, 1999-
Docent University of Eastern Finland, 1997-
Docent University of Helsinki, 1994-
FMI, Director of the Air Quality Research Department 2002-2003
FMI, Research Manager 1996-1999
FMI, Senior Scientist 1994-1995
Max-Planck institute (Göttingen), post-doc 1992-1993
FMI, Scientist 1986-1991
University of Vienna Department of Experimental Physics, visiting Ph.D. student (6 months), 1990
Max-Planck institute (Göttingen), visiting Ph.D. student (6 months) 1990
University and other degrees
University of Helsinki, Finland: M.Sc. 1988; Ph.D. 1991(Physics);
Helsinki school of economics, Management education program JOKO ® 64, 2002;
Management education program (Tulevaisuuden johtajat 7 –ohjelma HAUS), 2015
List of publications
Over 108 original research papers; 2 of which in Nature and 2 in Science.
Awards, honors, and major stipendiary support
Award for the excellent work in the aerosol science at 1995 by the Finnish Association for Aerosol Research; The Austrian Academy of Sciences 4 exchange grants (total 6 months), 1988-; DEUTSCHER AKADEMISCHER AUSTAUSCH DIENST (DAAD) grant (3 months), 1990; The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 2 exchange grants (total 4 weeks), 1996-
Other Academic and Professional Activities
Member of the Finnish National Committee of Arctic and Antarctic Research, 2005-
Member of the Steering Committee of the Kumpula Space Center, 2006-
Member of the Steering Body of the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP), 2007-
Member of the Board of Physical Department of the University of Helsinki, 2007-
Member of the Advisory Committee of Environmental Science (WMO OPAG/EPAC), 2007-
Member of the Advisory Board of the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), 2008-2013
Member of Council of the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), 2012-2014
Member of the Advisory Board of the Finnish Space Committee, 2013-
Member of the Finnish National Committee of World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), 2014-