CV Juha Aalto

Title Research Professor (Tenure Track)
Postal address Finnish Meteorological Institute, P.O Box 503, FI-00101 HELSINKI
Street address Erik Palmenin aukio 1, FI-00560 HELSINKI
Phone number +358 50 409 0963
Fax +358 29 539 3146
Fields of expertise
Spatial modelling
Local climate variations
Cold-region land surface systems
FOSTER (Future multipurpose forests and their disturbance risk in the changing climate, 2021-2023)
RESICLIM (Resilience of Arctic terrestrial ecosystems under bioclimatic change, 2021-2025)
Metsäpalot Fennoskandian alueella ilmaston ja rakenteen muuttuessa (UM)
Microclimatic heterogeneity diverts Arctic change trajectories (2019–2022, Univ. Helsinki)
PLUMES (Pathways linking uncertainties in model projections of climate and its effects)
INFRAHAZARD (Geomorphic sensitivity of the Arctic region: geohazards and infrastructure)
University and other degrees
2019: Docent in Physical Geography, University of Helsinki
2015: PhD, Department of Geosciences and Geography. University of Helsinki