CV Hilppa Gregow

Fields of expertise
Extreme weather and storm research
Climate change impact research
Weather and long-range forecasting
Climate change service development
FI-KOKOSOPU (2021–2022) (funded by VNTEAS) Creating an overall assessment of implementation of adaptation policy in Finland. (FMI, supervisor role and linking to SUOMI project)
FI-CLIMCOMP (2021–2024) (funded by Academy of Finland) Learning of the competencies of effective climate change mitigation and adaptation in the education system (FMI PI)
FI-ACCC Flagship (2020–2024) funded by Academy of Finland) Leading Climate Change Impact theme (Adaptation and Climate Risk Management) in the Flagship
FI-SUOMI (2020–2022) Synthesis of all Adaptation work conducted in Finland during the past (2005–2020) and developing solutions to improve this in the future as part of an operational risk management and adaptation support service for Finland (Coordinator, FMI)
FI-SA VECLIMIT (2020–2023) (funded by Academy of Finland) Investigating climate change impact of vector-borne diseases and tick and designing climate data for the investigations (FMI PI)
University and other degrees
Certified Process Lead 2021 (Alma Talent)
Research Professor 2021, FMI
Docent 2017 (in meteorology with focus on climate change impacts and risks, UEF)
Executive manager 2015 (Aalto JOKO Executive)
Product developer and innovation lead 2013 (product/process co-designed for icebreaker and energy need forecasting for decision making, RASTOR)
Media and communication skills 1999 (YLE-TV), 2003 (MTV), 2010 (Leena Brandt), 2014 (Kalle Siira)
PhD 2013 in meteorology with focus on climate change risks and impacts to forestry (UEF)
Coach 2011 in leadership
MSc 1999 in meteorology specializing in high-resolution modelling of storm winds (UH)
Previous professional appointments
2018–2021: Head of Unit, Weather and Climate Change Impact Research, FMI
2014–2017: Head of Unit, Climate Service Centre, FMI
2011–2013: Group leader, Climate Research and Applications, FMI
1999–2010: YLE tv-meteorologist
1994–2010: various research and service duties, FMI
Other professional activities
Member of advisory board – LIFE PROMO (2021–)
Vice Chair of KoliForum ExCom (2021–)
Chief Editor, Climate Bulletin and Climate Bulletin Research Letters of FMI (2019–)
Member of iClimate advisory board (2019–)
Co-chair in European Climate Research Alliance (ECRA) High Impact Events (2017–)
Member of working group for adaptation, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (12.3.2015–)