CV Heikki Tuomenvirta

Title Senior Research Scientist; Head of group "Seasonal and Climate Applications"
Postal address Finnish Meteorological Institute, P.O. Box 503, FI-00101 HELSINKI
Street address Erik Palménin Aukio 1, FI-00560 HELSINKI
Phone number +358 50 574 6824
Fields of expertise
Climate variability and change
Climate change impacts and adaptation
Weather and climate risks
Scenario development and decision support
International consulting
University and other degrees
2004: PhD (meteorology), University of Helsinki, Finland
Previous professional appointments
1992-2007: Senior Research Scientist, Climate Research, Finnish Meteorological Institute
1990-1991: Junior Professional Officer, World Climate Data and Monitoring Programme, and World Climate Research Programme, WMO, Geneva, Switzerland
1986-1989: Research assistant, University of Helsinki, Department of Meteorology
Other professional activities
Secretary of the National IPCC Working Group
List of publications
Additional information at Linkedin profile and ResearchGate profile