CV Alexey Karpechko

Fields of expertise
Stratospheric dynamics and stratosphere-troposphere coupling
Sub-seasonal to seasonal predictability
Global atmospheric circulation and its response to radiative forcing
Statistical analysis of climate model ensembles
Stratospheric ozone and its impacts on climate and surface ultraviolet radiation
Seasonal predictions of wintertime climate: the role of the stratosphere (PREWIN), 2015-2020, Academy of Finland
ERA4CS INDECIS, 2018-2020, EU
University and other degrees
2016: Docent in Meteorology, University of Helsinki, Finland
2007: PhD Degree in Meteorology, University of Helsinki, Finland
2001: Candidate of Science Degree in Atmospheric Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
1996: Diploma in Oceanography (equivalent to MSc), Russian State Hydrometeorological University, St Petersburg, Russia