At the moment, Carbon Cycle group consists of thirteen senior research scientists, twelve research scientists, three undergraduate students, one principal scientist, and the head of group.

Liisa Kulmala, Associate Prof. (Docent), Head of group (soil carbon and biosphere modelling)
Tuula Aalto, Associate Prof. (Docent), Principal scientist (carbon cycle modelling)
Viivi Aakula, M.Sc., Research Scientist (carbon cycle modelling, AI)
Leif Backman, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist (atmospheric chemistry and inverse modelling)
Quentin Bell, M.App.Econ., Research Scientist (carbon cycle modelling)
Anttoni Erkkilä, M.Sc., Research Scientist (atmospheric inverse modelling)
Istem Fer, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist (ecological modelling and forecasting, model-data synthesis)
Yao Gao, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist (atmospheric and biosphere modelling, on a leave)
Sara Hyvärinen, M.Sc., Research Scientist (atmospheric inverse modelling)
Kielo Isomäki, M.Sc., Research Scientist (carbon cycle modelling)
Henri Kajasilta, M.Sc., Research Scientist (model data synthesis)
Esko Karvinen, M.Sc., Research Scientist (urban ecology and carbon cycle)
Outi Kinnunen, M.Sc., Research Scientist (carbon cycle modelling)
Juha Leskinen, M.Sc., Research Scientist (carbon cycle modelling)
Tiina Markkanen, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist (atmospheric and biosphere modelling)
Anteneh Mengistu, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist (atmospheric inverse modelling)
Tuuli Miinalainen, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist (biogeochemical modelling)
Ahmed Shahriyer, M.Sc., Research Scientist (carbon cycle modelling)
Hui Tang, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist (carbon cycle modelling)
Maria Tenkanen, M.Sc., Research Scientist (atmospheric inverse modelling)
Tea Thum, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist (biogeochemical modelling)
Aki Tsuruta, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist (atmospheric inverse modelling)
Ville Tuominen, M.Sc., Research Scientist (carbon cycle modelling)
Samu Varjonen, Associate Prof. (Docent), Senior Research Scientist (IT systems)
Julius Vira, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist (ecosystem modelling, model-data fusion)
Toni Viskari, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist (biosphere modelling, model-data fusion, on a leave)
Rebecca Ward, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist (atmospheric inverse modelling)
Suvi Orttenvuori, undergraduate (carbon cycle modelling)
Maija Pietarila, undergraduate (atmospheric inverse modelling)
Aarni Koiso-Kanttila, undergraduate (carbon cycle modelling)