Antarctic research
Finland started active Antarctic research when research station Aboa was founded in 1988. Typically, research activities take place during austral summer in the vicinity of Aboa and in cooperation with other Antarctic stations.
The authority responsible for Finnish Antarctic research is the Ministry of Education. The funding for research projects is allocated via the Academy of Finland. Presently funding is granted for four years and international collaboration is emphasized. Projects can also apply for funding from other academy programs. In Finnish Antarctic research the emphasis is especially on the areas of strength where Finland can conduct high-quality international scientific research. Antarctic research strengthens cold climate expertise in Finland. In recent years research has focused on geodesy and glaciology, soil, bedrock and marine geology and geophysics, bi-polar meteorological and space physics, marine and structural technology and oceanography and marine biology.
International cooperation between countries national Antarctic research programs is vital and encouraged. Every year Finnish researchers work at foreign research stations and on board foreign vessels, and foreign researchers participate in Finnish expeditions. For example, Finland has ongoing ozone and UV research at the Argentine Marambio reseach station.